Friday, January 1, 2021

The Liver and Health

  I spoke with a doctor that did supervised fasting in 2011.  I had been doing fasting since I was in my early 20s.  I had not had a mentor.  This doctor told me that one of the best things about fasting was that it was helpful for healing the liver.  He felt that one's liver was harmed by pharmaceuticals and chemical exposures, which are more common in the modern world than ever before.  For most of human evolution we were not exposed to chemicals.  

There is obviously more to health than just the liver.  That being said I found that what the supervised fasting doctor told me was true on some level.  I found that my overall health and experience of life was improved after trying many healing techniques, which involved detox, liver health or overall health in general.

Since late 2011 I haven't ever been more certain that there's a better way to live.  I also have been more certain that there are forces in the world that are messing it up!  One major obstacle is the reckless use of harmful chemicals.  

1.  The water cure- something I found online.  I drink about four glasses of water a day that are 18oz.  

2.  dry sauna visits

3.  infrared sauna visits

4.  Ionic foot bath

5.  bentonite clay

6.  activated charcoal 

7.  Vitamin and mineral supplementation 

8..  wheat grass

9.  Chiropractic visits 

10.  Getting plenty of sleep 

11.  Refraining from alcohol or unnecessary drug use (recreational or pharmaceutical) 

12. Avoiding exposure to harmful chemicals 

13.  Going on an elimination diet and finding which foods are best for one's self 

14.  Getting plenty of fresh air 

15.  Fasting or intermittent fasting

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