Sunday, January 17, 2021

A Word About Collection Agencies

Most people are not prepared for what to do when they are contacted by a collection agency. Collection agencies make all sorts of bizarre claims about how they have obtained permission from a court to take money out of people's bank accounts or garnish their wages. This is not really true most of the time. They send people letters threatening to add on late fees and other penalties for not caving to their demands. Collection agencies and gangstalking are two bizarre forms of punishment and hostility that occur outside of the legal system. It really does not make sense to charge people more money for not being able to pay their bills. I think a lot of people feel threatened and that they must pay ASAP before their credit score and finances are destroyed. This is not really the case in most situations. I have heard of people committing suicide when they are pursued by collection agencies.

I can think of some situations where creditors need to be represented.  I think collection agencies do not create justice in the world.  If anyone is having difficulty dealing with collection agencies feel free to e-mail me at

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