Monday, January 18, 2021

High Cost of Living in Contamination Part Two

 8.  Laundry: I am having to pay a lot more money for laundry than I normally would.  I have had to wash my clothes and bed sheets over and over again for years to try to remove the chemical residue from them.  This is a vain effort because they always end up getting contaminated again.  I find it particularly degrading when I lie in bed at night and can taste chemicals in my mouth.  Thus I tend to do my laundry more often.  I have probably spent over $100 doing my laundry since last November when I had another chemical residue exposure in my home.  This also makes me more vulnerable to theft because sometimes people steal my laundry.  

9.  Health products:  I do spend more money than most many every month on vitamins, minerals and other health supplements.  I also buy healthier food, which is more expensive.  When one has chemical injury it is helpful to go on an elimination diet.  One cannot tolerate as many foods as most people.  One of the main things in my diet is brown rice noodles, which are expensive.  I cannot recover from the health problems that I have because I live in a contaminated apartment.  Thus I will not recover from the food sensitivities that I have.  I will continue to buy expensive food items every month.  Disabled people with food sensitivities cannot go to food pantries because they are sensitive to the food that is there.  Thus we continue to pay through the nose for food every month.  

My efforts to improve my health are in vain because I live in a contaminated apartment.  

10.  Computer:  My computer was recently broken from having to clean it all the time.  I had to buy another computer.  If I had not been living in a contaminated apartment I would not have had to replace my computer.  

11.  Receipts:  Sometimes items need to be returned.  I find that I cannot save receipts because they end up getting chemical residue on them.  This keeps me from returning some items and costs me more money. I have not been able to keep receipts for these damages that I have had to endure.

12.  Kitchen items:  In my home I have a blender, a cooking pot for my stove, a microwave and a strainer.  I also have a brita water purifier.  I have had to repeatedly replace these items in an effort to avoid consuming chemical residue that spreads throughout my apartment.  I have found that the worst damage to a person occurs when they consume chemical residue in their food.  Chemical residue can get in one's food if it gets on one's kitchenware.  

I had to get rid of all of my plates, bowls, and silverware.  This is because I do not want to get chemical residue on these items.  I have to buy paper bowls, plastic silverware and plastic cups.  This becomes expensive every month.  

13.  Cellphone:  One of the items that tends to get contaminated in the worst way is my cellphone.  I have repeatedly had to replace my cell phone because it gets contaminated with chemical residue.  I find that no matter how much I clean the phone the chemical residue cannot be removed from the phone.  Cleaning the phone ends up breaking it over time and I have to replace the phone.  

14.  Nitrile Gloves:  I have spent a small fortune on nitrile gloves since 2015.  I have to wear nitrile gloves when I am making my food so that I do not get chemical residue in my meals.  I am also having to clean my home everyday and use nitrile gloves for this.  

I am already on disability and thus these expenses are a massive burden.   When I look back and think about all the times I have been screwed over in my life it really makes me feel terrible.  

What is the point of working hard and trying to build a life for oneself if it can all be destroyed like this? 

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