Saturday, January 16, 2021

Kangaroo Court

  A kangaroo court is an unauthorized, unofficial court, the sole purpose of which is to provide the image of a fair legal process. In actuality, the fate of the accused is actually decided in advance, with no considersation being made as to the fairness of the situation. Kangaroo courts are typically associated with groups that practice their own brand of justice, which is outside of the formal judicial process. To explore this concept, consider the following kangaroo court definition.

  1. A bogus court, the intention of which is to provide the illusion of a fair justice system where none exists.

  2. A mob, or self-appointed, tribunal that mocks society’s principals of law or human rights.

  • The right to be assumed innocent until proven guilty

  • The right to be involved in, and to control, one’s own defense

  • The right to hear a full and detailed statement of the charges filed against the accused

  • The right to omit evidence that is irrelevant or inadmissible

  • The right to cross-examine or summon witnesses

  • The right not to incriminate oneself

  • The right to be provided enough time and resources to prepare a proper defense to one’s charges

  • The right to introduce evidence that supports the acquittal of the accused

  • The right to appeal a conviction

  • The right to have a stenographic record created of any trial proceedings

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