Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Update on My Situation- Request for Government or International Assistance

 I have been badly chemically injured and do not know if I am going to survive or be able to lead any kind of decent life ever again.  I currently lived in subsidized housing, along with many disabled people  nationwide.  The rent here is 30% of my income and is a good deal.  This gives me some relief, so I can get back on my feet.  The problem here is that many of these places are contaminated by harmful chemical exposures or become contaminated by maintenance.  These strange chemical exposures are not normal and have made things extremely difficult for me.  

For me to move forward what I need is: 

1.  Another subsidized apartment that is not contaminated and is not going to become contaminated.  In most of the apartments I have lived in, I have not had to hover over maintenance to make sure they do not screw up my house.


2.  A regular apartment that costs a maximum of $500-550 a month and is not contaminated.  This has become nearly impossible.  Landlords will not let me live in their building because they want me to make three times the amount of rent per month.  I only get $900 a month from social security.  All of my health problems since 2012 have been caused by medical error or chemical exposures.  

I recently looked at 2 apartments on Ohio Ave. in Cincinnati that were around $500 a month.  I could have lived there.  The problem was that both of these places had these strange chemical exposures as well.  This is not normal and is not something I encountered before October of 2015.  This has become a growing problem.  Thus I could not move in there.   

Something needs to be done by businesses and government to stop these horrible chemical exposures.  This is not something individuals can resolve themselves.  If I had a non-contaminated apartment I could move on with my life.  I would need to buy my own infrared sauna and ionic foot bath.  I could then recover from being chemically injured continuously for five years.  I could get a job and life would move on.  I cannot move on with my life if I am homeless or have to live in a contaminated apartment.  

If another nation wants to take me in as a citizen that would be fine with me.   I feel that an environment has been created here that is hostile for me to live in.  Where do people go when they need to recover from health problems?  We would all be better off if such places were more available.

I think it is terrible that I would be attacked while I am disabled.  I am estranged from my family and I am a low income person.  This makes me more vulnerable to attacks than other people, who are not in a similar situation.  I have paid my rent on time, every month for five years.  This is in spite of being exposed to chemicals everyday for 5 years.  I have paid taxes in the United States all of my adult life and am a citizen here.  I feel that I have made a significant contribution to this society.   I have repeatedly tried to move to new places since 2018 and have ended up in the same situation over and over again due to problems with these chemical exposures.  This needs to be regulated and is a business or government accountability issue.  I have tried addressing this matter here locally and it doesn't seem like there is an avenue for dealing with this sort of thing currently.  I made some progress with trying to remove the chemical exposures with rubbing alcohol.  The problem is that made me sick as well.  

Anyone can email me at

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