Friday, January 29, 2021

Facts About Me

I have a degree in Organizational Leadership and graduate with honor’s right before this happened

-I do know a lot about natural health.  This was really going somewhere until I was attacked

in 2015 and since October of 2015 I have had to live in places where my apartment is


This has made me very ill.  I have tried to move repeated times and ended up with the

same results in other places.  I do not think this is normal. The thing with fasting and

the liver really goes a long way. I have found that this has a lot of potential if one is

not continuously exposed to chemicals.

- I am only 38 years old and would have a long life ahead of me if I could recover

from being chemically injured and find a non-contaminated place to live. 

- I have been active in political causes that involve: opposing the War in Iraq, Food Not Bombs, Students for Labor and Economic Justice, disability rights, atheism and the men’s rights movement.  I have also been involved in other human rights and civil liberties causes.

A combination of chemical exposures and gangstalking attacks have caused me to have to leave subsidized housing on two separate occasions.  This was in 2015 and in 2019.  I have repeatedly filed complaints with the FBI regarding the hacking of my computer and cellphone.  I have not received any response since 2015. 

If anyone wants to assist me and join Team Extreme you can email me at

I need assistance with: 

1.  Finding suitable housing

2.  An environmental doctor

3.  Legal Aid

4.  An IT specialist to ward off computer and cell phone hackers

5.  Allies

6.  Some kind of chemist would be helpful

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