Thursday, March 4, 2021

Boycott Propaganda

 There was a lot of strange media made about Jewish people in Germany not long ago.  What happened to those people? 

I am calling for a boycott of media which: 

1. Was made based on illegal surveillance of me.  

2.  Advocates violence against me or characters that are based on me.  Isn't  that predatory?  Should people be able to make a living advocating violence against private citizens? 

3.  Is defamatory to me in any way

4.  Celebrates or makes light of my perceived suffering

*This includes books, movies, TV shows and internet media.

I think it's time to move on to another subject after 7 years of garbage.  People have been making big money off of this for years.  I did not authorize anyone to make media about me or my personal life.  Since 2012 I have been struggling to live and make a living.  I honestly have not been able to unhack my computer or cell phone fully.  I did not design these easy to invade devices.  I did not create a society where such devices are a necessity to live a decent life.  I have been living in an environment that makes me sick and thus have not been able to invest in better computer and cellphone security.

Computer hacking, cellphone hacking and webcam hacking are all illegal. Illegally obtained evidence is inadmissible in the United States.

I feel there have been intrusions into my personal space at a time when I was suffering from a variety of circumstances that were outside of my control.  Thus I feel exploited.

There was a time when I enjoyed movies, books, and music.  That ended in 2014 and has not changed since then.  I am not an object to be acted upon.  I am not a character in someone else's book or movie.  There really is not anything superior or virtuous about people who hack into other people's computers or  phones illegally.  Some people can break into other people's cars easily.  Should this be done with impunity?

If people can't make media based on their own imagination they shouldn't be in  business. 


1. making use of a situation to gain unfair advantage for oneself:

2.  the action or fact of treating someone unfairly in order to benefit from their work

Isn't news presented in straightforward English?

How many times have people said the word "even" in the media since May of 2015? 1 billion?

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