Sunday, December 20, 2020

Medical Error Part Two

 Another thing I noticed was that my internal organs: stomach, liver, kidneys were all more sensitive than before.  When I was given exams by doctors sometimes they were quite forceful when pressing on my internal organs.  When this happened in 2012 I would be in pain the entire next day.  I had to go completely without eating for one day to make the pain go away.  

I would request that doctors not press on my organs like that.  This was quite the ordeal.  It seemed like they really were obsessed with pressing on my organs, which did not work for me.  This is my body after all.  If I am harmed I have to deal with the burden and not them.

During one of these doctor’s visits the doctor  pressed on my stomach very hard.  The next day I had agonizing stomach pain, which did not resolve.  This is similar to chronic gastritis or gastroparesis.  I have had this same stomach problem for 7.5 years at this point in time.  This stomach pain impaired me in a major way.  This has caused me untold suffering for years.  Right after this happened I remember thinking “ I could die from this.”  Many horrible things have happened since then.  There is something in the Hippocratic oath about not doing harm to patients. The level of damage and severity here is hard to describe. This problem was paralyzing to me in some ways.

Between 2012-2013 I filed four separate complaints with different medical groups regarding the treatment I was getting.  After three of the complaints I filed I received a letter certified mail banning me from the physician’s group that I was seeing.  

Eventually I got back on my feet on some level from something called the water cure.  This did resolve the pharmaceutical injury I had in early 2012 on some level.  The water cure was not something I found out about until late 2013.  That was almost two years having to live in such an agonized way.  There were very few foods I could eat. I had reduced energy. I was stuck where ever I was at.

I had to live with someone that was always threatening to throw me out of the house. This person had angry temper tantrums and the arguments would inflame my stomach pain, which was terrible. They did not show any restraint here. I told them that their freak outs were bothering my stomach in a bad way and keeping me up at night. This person would start arguments rights before it was time to go to bed. I did have difficulty communicating with people since I started to have these impossible to resolve health problems. It is hard to live when one's internal health is maimed.

From 2012-2013 nobody knew what I should do about the health problems that I had.  I went to naturopaths, a holistic chiropractor and other natural medicine doctors.  I really did not get far with any of them.  The goal would be to get back to where I was in 2011.  The holistic chiropractor straight up told me he did not know what to do for me and that was the end of the visit.  

I did find that going to the chiropractor once a week was helpful.  From 2012-2018 I saw the chiropractor once a week.  I did contact an organization called In Need of Diagnosis.  This was an organization that advocated that people should  be diagnosed with health problems when they go through the medical system.  The organization felt that this was rare and leads to dysfunction and suffering for patients.  Unfortunately the leader of this organization died since 2013. I may also not survive as well from living in unsafe living environments year after year.

I have tried to learn more about natural health since 2012.  Unfortunately I have not been able to catch up with all the harm and health problems that have been caused to me by this system.   All of the health problems that I have had since early 2012 were caused by the medical system or by repeated chemical injuries.  That is terrible.  How is anyone supposed to make a living or contribution to society if they are being made sick over and over again?  Between 2010 and the present I have been subject to 5 situations where I was harmed by the medical system and 12 separate chemical injuries.  I have not been compensated for any of these and I have not recovered either.

The only people that were of assistance to me were the people from the men's rights movement that I met on Skype. If I had not met them I do not know what would have happened. I would have eventually ran out of money and become homeless. When one becomes disabled at a young age they do not have much savings to live off of. I was 30 years old in 2012 I did not receive any compensation for the damages I experienced from the medical system.

My family was also impossible to deal with as usual. At some point between 2007-2008 my father decided that he was not going to assist me financially or with housing anymore. He did not ever tell me in straight forward english why this was. It did not make any difference to him whether I had a disability or not. I suspected that he and my sister had been conspiring against me. In a normal world people might sit down and have an assertive conversation about what is going on. My mother died of cancer when I was nine years old. My dad's second marriage ended in divorce in 1997. I have struggled with symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome since I was 21 in 2004.

When people experience these kinds of health problems they often end up in the street. This causes daily agony. It is very difficult to find housing when one has a disability for the reasons I have previously mentioned.

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