Monday, December 7, 2020

Living in Contamination Part Four

 Just when I thought it could not get any worse...

After moving in to this apartment some kind of brown liquid was leaking out of the kitchen cabinet onto the floor.  This was strange because there was not standing water in the cabinet, which is filled with mold.  This leaked all over my kitchen floor around Thanksgiving off and on for several days after that.  This would then get on my feet and be tracked all over the apartment and into my bed.  I could taste chemicals in my mouth while I lie in bed.  I have been able to taste chemicals in my mouth while I lie in bed many nights during the past 5 years.

Once again this creates a situation where I am being continuously poisoned by chemical residue in my home.  Removing this stuff rom any surface is nearly impossible.  This is a massive burden no one should have to bear.  I certainly do not bring impossible to resolve problems into the world.

1. How much harm does something like this cause a person?

I have yet to get any straight answer.

2. How can something like this be cleaned up completely?

This is a burden I have had to bear on my own.

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