Sunday, December 20, 2020

Medical Error Part One

 In 2010 I got scabies from sleeping on a friend's coach.  I was prescribed a pharmaceutical for this and became pharmaceutically injured.  This caused interstitial cystitis and chronic fatigue syndrome.  I soon lost my job and was on unemployment.

On Christmas Eve of 2011 I had a negative reaction to a pharmaceutical that I was injected with.  I asked the nurse if they thought it was safe before I was injected and they felt that it would be fine.  

The next day was Xmas day.  I took a walk in the morning before I was to go over the my dad’s house.  While I was taking a walk I started to feel strange. I started to feel dizzy and I vomited.  I also felt disoriented and like I was going through a negative health episode.  I drove to the same hospital again and went to the emergency room.  I was given an IV when I was there and in time I felt somewhat better. 

My health did not return to normal after this.  I did not feel centered any longer.  I used to take walks on a regular basis.  When I would take a walk that was more than a few blocks I would start to get dizzy and feel like I was going to faint.  I would have these negative health episodes on a regular basis throughout 2012.  I felt that my internal health had been permanently changed due to pharmaceutical injury. The level of damage and severity here is hard to describe.

One thing that was helpful was when I was feeling like this I would go to the emergency room and they would give me IV bags.  That would get me back on my feet.  I did not ever recover from this one injection of pharmaceuticals throughout the year 2012.  I felt terrible much of the time.  Eventually I was told by my doctor that he thought I had something called vertigo.  I felt that I also had low blood sugar symptoms.  I underwent many medical tests, MRIs, cat scans, and blood tests.  

I had to go to the emergency room 7 separate times in the year 2012 for these negative health episodes.  I lost a lot of weight in 2012 and found that I was sensitive to a lot more different types of foods than I was before.  I had been harmed in a long- term way that no one knew how to resolve.

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