Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Sauna Visits and Immunity

 It is worth mentioning that regular visits to saunas boost one's immunity.  Many YMCA saunas are closed.  I bought one of these on ebay.  

Ionic Foot Bath

I found the ionic foot bath to be useful for detox purposes.  

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Medical Error Part Two

 Another thing I noticed was that my internal organs: stomach, liver, kidneys were all more sensitive than before.  When I was given exams by doctors sometimes they were quite forceful when pressing on my internal organs.  When this happened in 2012 I would be in pain the entire next day.  I had to go completely without eating for one day to make the pain go away.  

I would request that doctors not press on my organs like that.  This was quite the ordeal.  It seemed like they really were obsessed with pressing on my organs, which did not work for me.  This is my body after all.  If I am harmed I have to deal with the burden and not them.

During one of these doctor’s visits the doctor  pressed on my stomach very hard.  The next day I had agonizing stomach pain, which did not resolve.  This is similar to chronic gastritis or gastroparesis.  I have had this same stomach problem for 7.5 years at this point in time.  This stomach pain impaired me in a major way.  This has caused me untold suffering for years.  Right after this happened I remember thinking “ I could die from this.”  Many horrible things have happened since then.  There is something in the Hippocratic oath about not doing harm to patients. The level of damage and severity here is hard to describe. This problem was paralyzing to me in some ways.

Between 2012-2013 I filed four separate complaints with different medical groups regarding the treatment I was getting.  After three of the complaints I filed I received a letter certified mail banning me from the physician’s group that I was seeing.  

Eventually I got back on my feet on some level from something called the water cure.  This did resolve the pharmaceutical injury I had in early 2012 on some level.  The water cure was not something I found out about until late 2013.  That was almost two years having to live in such an agonized way.  There were very few foods I could eat. I had reduced energy. I was stuck where ever I was at.

I had to live with someone that was always threatening to throw me out of the house. This person had angry temper tantrums and the arguments would inflame my stomach pain, which was terrible. They did not show any restraint here. I told them that their freak outs were bothering my stomach in a bad way and keeping me up at night. This person would start arguments rights before it was time to go to bed. I did have difficulty communicating with people since I started to have these impossible to resolve health problems. It is hard to live when one's internal health is maimed.

From 2012-2013 nobody knew what I should do about the health problems that I had.  I went to naturopaths, a holistic chiropractor and other natural medicine doctors.  I really did not get far with any of them.  The goal would be to get back to where I was in 2011.  The holistic chiropractor straight up told me he did not know what to do for me and that was the end of the visit.  

I did find that going to the chiropractor once a week was helpful.  From 2012-2018 I saw the chiropractor once a week.  I did contact an organization called In Need of Diagnosis.  This was an organization that advocated that people should  be diagnosed with health problems when they go through the medical system.  The organization felt that this was rare and leads to dysfunction and suffering for patients.  Unfortunately the leader of this organization died since 2013. I may also not survive as well from living in unsafe living environments year after year.

I have tried to learn more about natural health since 2012.  Unfortunately I have not been able to catch up with all the harm and health problems that have been caused to me by this system.   All of the health problems that I have had since early 2012 were caused by the medical system or by repeated chemical injuries.  That is terrible.  How is anyone supposed to make a living or contribution to society if they are being made sick over and over again?  Between 2010 and the present I have been subject to 5 situations where I was harmed by the medical system and 12 separate chemical injuries.  I have not been compensated for any of these and I have not recovered either.

The only people that were of assistance to me were the people from the men's rights movement that I met on Skype. If I had not met them I do not know what would have happened. I would have eventually ran out of money and become homeless. When one becomes disabled at a young age they do not have much savings to live off of. I was 30 years old in 2012 I did not receive any compensation for the damages I experienced from the medical system.

My family was also impossible to deal with as usual. At some point between 2007-2008 my father decided that he was not going to assist me financially or with housing anymore. He did not ever tell me in straight forward english why this was. It did not make any difference to him whether I had a disability or not. I suspected that he and my sister had been conspiring against me. In a normal world people might sit down and have an assertive conversation about what is going on. My mother died of cancer when I was nine years old. My dad's second marriage ended in divorce in 1997. I have struggled with symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome since I was 21 in 2004.

When people experience these kinds of health problems they often end up in the street. This causes daily agony. It is very difficult to find housing when one has a disability for the reasons I have previously mentioned.

Medical Error Part One

 In 2010 I got scabies from sleeping on a friend's coach.  I was prescribed a pharmaceutical for this and became pharmaceutically injured.  This caused interstitial cystitis and chronic fatigue syndrome.  I soon lost my job and was on unemployment.

On Christmas Eve of 2011 I had a negative reaction to a pharmaceutical that I was injected with.  I asked the nurse if they thought it was safe before I was injected and they felt that it would be fine.  

The next day was Xmas day.  I took a walk in the morning before I was to go over the my dad’s house.  While I was taking a walk I started to feel strange. I started to feel dizzy and I vomited.  I also felt disoriented and like I was going through a negative health episode.  I drove to the same hospital again and went to the emergency room.  I was given an IV when I was there and in time I felt somewhat better. 

My health did not return to normal after this.  I did not feel centered any longer.  I used to take walks on a regular basis.  When I would take a walk that was more than a few blocks I would start to get dizzy and feel like I was going to faint.  I would have these negative health episodes on a regular basis throughout 2012.  I felt that my internal health had been permanently changed due to pharmaceutical injury. The level of damage and severity here is hard to describe.

One thing that was helpful was when I was feeling like this I would go to the emergency room and they would give me IV bags.  That would get me back on my feet.  I did not ever recover from this one injection of pharmaceuticals throughout the year 2012.  I felt terrible much of the time.  Eventually I was told by my doctor that he thought I had something called vertigo.  I felt that I also had low blood sugar symptoms.  I underwent many medical tests, MRIs, cat scans, and blood tests.  

I had to go to the emergency room 7 separate times in the year 2012 for these negative health episodes.  I lost a lot of weight in 2012 and found that I was sensitive to a lot more different types of foods than I was before.  I had been harmed in a long- term way that no one knew how to resolve.

Saturday, December 19, 2020

Self Righteous

 confident of one's own righteousness, especially when smugly moralistic and intolerant of the opinions and behavior of others.

Thursday, December 17, 2020


 having or showing a strong or unreasoning desire for revenge:

"the criticism was both vindictive and personalized"
A person described as vindictive is usually someone who holds a grudge and who always tries to get back at people who they think have wronged them in some way. Vindictive people retaliate against others for any insult or perceived slight. Vindictive people do not let things go.
It is not true that suffering ennobles the character; happiness does that sometimes, but suffering, for the most part, makes people petty and vindictive.
having or showing a wish to harm someone because you think that they harmed you; unwilling to forgive
If you say that someone is vindictive, you are critical of them because they deliberately try to upset or cause trouble for someone who they think has done them harm.

Tuesday, December 15, 2020


 Opportunism is the practice of taking advantage of circumstances – with little regard for principles or with what the consequences are for others. Opportunist actions are expedient actions guided primarily by self-interested motives. The term can be applied to individual humans and living organisms, groups, organizations, styles, behaviors, and trends


  is the act of attempting to force someone to do something or give up something valuable by threatening negative consequences if they don’t, especially revealing negative information about them.

Monday, December 7, 2020


Differences between living in Subsidized Housing and Regular Studio or One Bedroom Apartments

 Regular One Bedroom or Studio Apartments    

1.  Maintenance visits the apartment and typically repairs things without causing accidents.

2. Shipments can be delivered to one's apartment. If one is not home they are typically held in the leasing office.

Subsidized Housing

1.  Since I have lived in subsidized housing I have had seven visits from maintenance at different locations.  Of those seven maintenance visits, four have caused property damage.  Three visits have caused bodily harm and impossible to clean up chemical exposures. The chemical exposures also cause property damage.  

2.  In subsidized housing the leasing office refuses to hold shipments for tenants.  Then tenant's shipments are stolen because they are left in front of the door. I need to get things shipped to my apartment because I buy medicinal supplements off the internet.  Some grocery items I have shipped to my home because my car was totaled last year.  

I moved in to this apartment in August.  Since I have lived here I have had three shipments stolen.  I have had one piece of mail stolen.  This was a birthday card from my aunt.  My mailbox does not close and maintenance has not repaired it.  In this building there are 4 mailboxes out of eleven that are open all the time.  There is not a post office near here where I could get a PO box.    

Recently someone was stealing my laundry out of the laundry machine.  

Living in Contamination Part Four

 Just when I thought it could not get any worse...

After moving in to this apartment some kind of brown liquid was leaking out of the kitchen cabinet onto the floor.  This was strange because there was not standing water in the cabinet, which is filled with mold.  This leaked all over my kitchen floor around Thanksgiving off and on for several days after that.  This would then get on my feet and be tracked all over the apartment and into my bed.  I could taste chemicals in my mouth while I lie in bed.  I have been able to taste chemicals in my mouth while I lie in bed many nights during the past 5 years.

Once again this creates a situation where I am being continuously poisoned by chemical residue in my home.  Removing this stuff rom any surface is nearly impossible.  This is a massive burden no one should have to bear.  I certainly do not bring impossible to resolve problems into the world.

1. How much harm does something like this cause a person?

I have yet to get any straight answer.

2. How can something like this be cleaned up completely?

This is a burden I have had to bear on my own.

Saturday, December 5, 2020


to try to control or manage all the small parts of (something, such as an activity) in a way that is usually not wanted or that causes problems

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Mass Society

 Mass society is any society of the modern era that possesses a mass culture and large-scale, impersonal, social institutions.[1] A mass society is a "society in which prosperity and bureaucracy have weakened social ties."  

In a mass,

  1. far fewer people express opinions than receive them; for the community of public becomes an abstract collection of individuals who receive impressions from the mass media.
  2. The communications that prevail are so organized that it is difficult or impossible for the individual to answer back immediately or with any effect.
  3. The realization of opinion in action is controlled by authorities who organize and control the channels of such action.
  4. The mass has no autonomy from institutions; on the contrary, agents of authorized institutions penetrate this mass, reducing any autonomy it may have in the formation of opinion by discussion

Sick Building Syndrome

Sick building syndrome is a condition in which people in a building suffer from symptoms of illness or become infected with chronic disease from the building in which they work or reside.

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Living in Contamination Part Three

1.   I  moved into shared housing near the University of Cincinnati in March of 2020.  This place would have been fine.  I felt that since I was out of subsidized housing perhaps I would not be exposed to chemicals over and over again.  I lived in university housing near Ohio State from 2001-2007 and there weren’t any strange chemical exposures there.

That was not the case in this situation.  During a construction visit chemical residue got all over the door knob to the house.  This spread throughout the house and got all over my personal property.  The landlord would not recognize that this was a problem.

2. I got a section 8 voucher in summer of 2020 to live in subsidized housing.  Section 8 housing is very hard to find in this area.  I looked at two apartments and they were both contaminated with chemical residue before I moved in.  I talked the matter over with my life coach, who felt that I should move in to the apartment to save money.  I moved in to this apartment in August of 2020.  To this day I am still living in a contaminated apartment.  This will make about 6.25 years of living in contaminated housing in different areas. That is 2,281.25 days living in contaminated housing at different locations.

  • I paid for visits to a doctor that also had MCS when I was living in Indianapolis.  She told me that chemical residue exposures would not affect me.  This was not true.  They had affected me in a very bad way by the time I left Indianapolis in 2019. 
  • This is a basic corporate and government accountability issue.  People should not be harmed by chemical exposures or have their property damaged.
  • What is needed is for organizations like the EPA and Health Department to do something about these strange chemical exposures.  This is a burden that individual private citizens should not have to handle nor have the ability to handle on their own.  Landlords and other housing organizations need to be more careful with the chemicals they use.  These strange chemical exposures have become a growing problem that needs to be acknowledged by the public, by the organizations causing the problem and by government.  No one wants to be made sick, that is a horrible burden to bear. 
Chemical injury is not a health problem that is treated by the conventional medical system. 
This is something individuals have to pay for out of their own pocket.  Environmental medicine
doctors are not available in many areas and are very expensive.  

Subsidized housing would be fine if it were not for the chemical exposures and the accidents caused
by maintenance.  Some of the buildings still have lead pipes and tend to be in unsafe neighborhoods.

Sunday, November 29, 2020

Living in Contamination Part Two

1. I moved back to CIncinnati in early 2019.  I moved into subsidized housing in February.  I lived in subsidized housing there for ten months.  In late June I called maintenance to repair broken tiles in the bathroom wall.  In June of 2019 I came home one day to find caulk all over the floor of the shower.  Maintenance had been there while I was gone.  This had not dried fully.  There was not any reason for there to be caulk on the bathroom floor in the first place.  Breathing in caulk fumes while they were drying made me very ill.  I felt like I was going to die.  

 I told building staff about this problem and they acted receptive.  A few days later maintenance showed up at my door demanding that they use more chemicals to repair the tiles in the bathroom wall.  I refused to let them do the repair because I did not want them to make me sick.  The maintenance guy became hostile and tried to force me to let him do the repair.  I told him I had an attorney and he told me the landlord had a bigger attorney that would “eat my attorney alive.”  He finally left when I would not budge on letting him use more chemicals in the apartment.

2. I was transferred to another apartment in the same building in August of 2019. In September of 2019 I got my car repaired from an independent mechanic.  During the visit he got chemical residue on the steering wheel of my car.  This had never happened before during a mechanic visit.  This is really becoming a growing problem, especially in low income neighborhoods.
 3. I filed a reasonable accommodation request that chemicals should not be used in my apartment after this.  During a maintenance visit a snake was used to unclog my toilet.  For some reason maintenance used oil based lubricant on the actual toilet snake.  This is very strange.  This ended up leaking onto the floor and contaminating my apartment once again.  

4.  This was the last straw for me and I decided to move in with someone in Nevada, who also had Multiple Chemical Sensitivity. I really felt responsible for getting myself out of the contaminated apartment. This person was in bad shape and had been chemically injured many years ago.  They were allergic to every little thing.  I on the other hand am not allergic to laundry detergent, dish soap and things like that.  I ended up having to leave this person’s house after only three days because they were so allergic to minute things, like my clothes, that had laundry detergent used on them.  I was told by my attorney that in an eviction situation I would have 30 days to stay there after the landlord decided I should leave.  This was not true.  

One day the person I lived with decided that they were going to come into my room, take my clothes out of the room and put them outside.  The person felt that my clothes, which were behind a closed door, were somehow bothering her out in the living room. She felt that because I used laundry detergent when I wash my clothes this somehow was exposing her to chemicals.  I do not think this is actually possible. At one point during my stay my roommate also told me that she felt that police broke into her garage on a regular basis and put chemicals in her car. I think that was a delusion.

At this point I had been exposed to chemicals continuously for 4 years. I had a horrible stomach problem that had not been resolved, which started in June of 2013. I cannot describe how ungodly painful it is to have to live with this chronic stomach pain everyday. This has not been simple to resolve due to all of the chemical injuries.

I was quite overwhelmed by the whole situation. On top of all of that I was now being confronted by some freaked out person about something that didn't really make any sense.
I called the police on her because of this.  People do not have the right to mess around with my personal property.  When police got there they told me they had been out to this house before about a similar issue.  Apparently this person had people move in with her before and had also freaked out on them. One thing police did that was harmful in this situation was they pressured the person I was living with to have me move out of the house repeatedly, which she agreed to.  I don’t think there was any reason to do that and I do not know that this would have happened if they were not pressuring her.

5. I was then living in my car after this.  I went south to get out of the cold weather.  It was December in the Carson City, Nevada area.  I decided I would go to Slab City, CA where people live in vehicles and RVs.  This is about as far south as one can get.  I would have been out of the cold.
I did not have enough gas money to make it all the way to San Diego. I stayed at a church that took me in at the end of December.  They paid for a motel for me to stay in for 2 nights.  After that I stayed at a homeless shelter that was 60 miles from Los Angeles.  Someone hit my car the day after Christmas in 2019.  This caused me broken ribs and whiplash.  I was then on foot and had no place to put my personal items, medicine or food.  

I have to stay on a specific diet due to having food sensitivities.  The homeless shelter I was staying at would not let me bring in my own food, in spite of the fact that I was paying for it. Most of the people there ate what the shelter provided them for free.  I had to sneak in vegan food and medicine for 2.5 months in a book bag like it was narcotics.  I went back to Cincinnati in February of 2020 because I could not afford to live anywhere in California on social security money. It was $1,200 there for a studio or one bedroom apartment.

  • In subsidized housing one out of five apartments I have lived in have been contaminated.  One was already contaminated before I moved in.  Three were contaminated during maintenance visits.

  • When a person is on disability benefits there are few if any places one can afford to live in.  Some of the places that are affordable for disabled people are not available because they have mandatory minimum income limits that are too high.  This causes disabled people to become homeless or to live in unsafe environments. This creates a death trap for disabled people. In many areas every foot of land is defined by government, corporations or is residential.

  • When disabled people end up in homeless shelters they cannot control their diet and sleep schedule like they need to. Many homeless shelters are similar to prisons in some ways.

  • Of the chemical exposures I have experienced, I think that chemical residue exposures would harm any person.  Chemical injury harms one’s brain, nervous system, liver, intestines, lymph nodes and other organ systems.  Chemical injury is a very burdensome problem for one to have to say the least.  Some people think Multiple Chemical Sensitivity is “all in the mind.”  This is simply not true.  I think MCS is caused by internal health problems.  Some chemicals can be tolerated and some should not be tolerated by anyone. People have died from chemical injury.

  • From 2001-2013 I lived in one bedroom and studio apartments in Ohio, Indiana and Northern Kentucky. It is very uncommon for maintenance or the landlord to expose residents to harmful chemicals or cause accidents during maintenance visits.  This has become more common and is especially common in subsidized housing in Ohio.
(Blogger has messed up my font size in some of this post)

Living in Contamination Part One

I have lived in contaminated homes almost everyday for 6.25 years.  

  1.  In August of 2014 there was an accident in my apartment that was caused by Cincinnati Metropolitan Housing Authority.  This caused $15,000 in damage to my personal property and exposed me to chemicals I was allergic to. I did not receive one dollar in compensation from CMHA or any assistance resolving the matter.  This was like torture because I have Multiple Chemical Sensitivities. Diatomaceous earth is a desiccant and when one has chronic stomach pain, breathing in desiccants inflames one’s stomach.  This was more painful than anything I have ever experienced in my life. 

  1. The boarding house I moved into in June 2015 was already contaminated with desiccants before I moved in.  This was due to there being dry wall dust all over the apartment.  When the air conditioning would turn on it would blow desiccants all over the house.  This was again like torture everyday without interruption. The landlord refused to work with me on this issue. I ended up having to move out of this apartment after one month.  My security deposit of $100 was kept by the landlord. 

  1. I moved to another boarding house in July of 2015.  After a few months a homeless crackhead moved in that was working as a landscaper.  He got adhesive residue all over the sink faucet in mid-October.  I had not ever heard of this before.  This caused all four people living there to be chemically injured, including the crackhead.  The residue spread all over the kitchen and would get in one’s food when one would wash their dishes.  This was not directly caused by gangstalking contrary to “media.”  

  1. In September of 2017 my car was struck by another car while I was driving, which caused me whiplash.  I bought a new car soon afterwards.  A few days after buying the car I realized there was chemical residue on the steering wheel and dashboard.  This was subtle and I did not notice it during the test drive.  This was again impossible to clean up and became a permanent burden.  The dealer who sold me the car refused to return the vehicle.  I got a lawyer and like many injustices I have had to go through since 2012, there wasn’t anything they proposed doing about this situation.  The residue from the car spread by touch and got all over my apartment. I paid nearly $4,000 for a contaminated car that made me sick. 

  • Once these strange chemical exposures get into a person’s home it creates a situation where the person is constantly being poisoned and exposed to chemicals that are harmful.  It gets all over everything and is extremely difficult to clean up.
  • In every one of these chemical exposures the company causing the exposure  has never accepted any accountability for exposing me to chemicals.  I have not received any compensation in spite of the fact that this has caused me severe and significant bodily harm and property damage.  I have contacted the EPA and local health department about this matter and they have not done anything. 

Saturday, November 28, 2020


 Scapegoating is the practice of singling out a person or group for unmerited blame and consequent negative treatment. Scapegoating may be conducted by individuals against individuals (e.g. "he did it, not me!"), individuals against groups (e.g., "I couldn't see anything because of all the tall people"), groups against individuals (e.g., "Jane was the reason our team didn't win"), and groups against groups.

scapegoat may be an adult, child, sibling, employee, peer, ethnic, political or religious group, or country. A whipping boyidentified patient or "fall guy" are forms of scapegoat.

Process in which the mechanisms of projection or displacement are utilized in focusing feelings of aggressionhostilityfrustration, etc., upon another individual or group; the amount of blame being unwarranted." Scapegoating is a hostile tactic often employed to characterize an entire group of individuals according to the unethical or immoral conduct of a small number of individuals belonging to that group. Scapegoating relates to guilt by association and stereotyping.

Unwanted thoughts and feelings can be unconsciously projected onto another who becomes a scapegoat for one's own problems. This concept can be extended to projection by groups. In this case the chosen individual, or group, becomes the scapegoat for the group's problems. "Political agitation in all countries is full of such projections, just as much as the backyard gossip of little groups and individuals."[8] Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung considered indeed that "there must be some people who behave in the wrong way; they act as scapegoats and objects of interest for the normal ones".[9]

This is the point where one person is singled out as the cause of the trouble and is expelled or killed by the group. This person is the scapegoat. Social order is restored as people are contented that they have solved the cause of their problems by removing the scapegoated individual, and the cycle begins again

High Cost of Chemical Exposures

 "Exposure to chemicals in pesticides, toys, makeup, food packaging and detergents costs the U.S. more than $340 billion annually due to health care costs and lost wages, according to a new analysis.

The chemicals, known as endocrine disruptors, impact how human hormones function and have been linked to a variety of health problems such as impaired brain development, lower IQs, behavior problems, infertility, birth defects, obesity and diabetes. The estimated economic toll is more than 2 percent of the nation’s gross domestic product (GDP). The findings, researchers say, "document the urgent public threat posed by endocrine disrupting chemicals.”

The study was published Monday in The Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology journal. Pete Myers—founder of Environmental Health Sciences, publisher of Environmental Health News and The Daily Climate—is a co-author on the study.  The researchers estimated costs by looking at exposures, then projecting 15 medical conditions linked to the chemicals and the associated health costs and lost wages. The findings are built upon calculations made by the Endocrine Society, the World Health Organization and the United Nations Environment Program. A similar study conducted in Europe found about $217 billion in annual costs due to exposure to these compounds. "

 You can read the rest of the article here: 



  1. made or produced by human beings rather than occurring naturally, especially as a copy of something natural.
    "her skin glowed in the artificial light"
  2. of a person or their behavior) insincere or affected.

made by people, often as a copy of something natural: 2. not sincere

Not arising from natural or necessary causes; contrived or arbitrary