Sunday, January 24, 2021

Ways to Avoid Harmful Chemical Exposures

Cedarwood spray can be used in place of harmful pesticides to kill bed bugs.  It also kills roaches.  Unlike Diatomaceous earth, this product does make a massive mess in one’s apartment.  As far as I know cedarwood spray does not cause any harm to people. 

Inner city housing often has problems with bed bugs.  I have found that the best way to kill bed bugs is to get cloth mattress covers for one’s mattress.  These do not rip like vinyl mattress covers.  Putting all of one’s clothes and bed sheets in the dryer kills the bed bugs.  It can also be helpful to put tape over electrical sockets that are not in use so that bed bugs do not get in them.  

Dish Soap and peppermint oil can be used to kill spiders.  I used this in my home in Indiana.  I used to get wolf spiders in the fall season.  

In many cases chemical exposures can be avoided by wearing nitrile gloves.  Nitrile gloves can be worn when one is pumping gas or working on one’s car.  

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