Friday, June 25, 2021

Manipulation Attacks

 I was subject to a manipulation attack that I believe was caused by gangstalking in late December of this year.  I was badly incapacitated after living in chemical residue for so many years.  The person got me to use bleach on my floor when cleaning the place.  This was instead of using rubbing alcohol, which I typically use.  I do not know how much more damaging using bleach was than using rubbing alcohol.  I had to clean the floor with heavier chemicals due to the floor having chemical residue on it.  

I think this person was baiting me to have a conversation with them by offering information about ways to find chemical free housing to get me to call them.  

I was in such a bad situation living in chemical residue that I called this person more often than I would have.  

Broken Hip Surgery

 After my recent broken hip surgery I found that I was again pharmaceutically injured.  I was given anesthetic, blood thinner injection, morphine, and oxycontin.  I went to the sauna quite a bit after the surgery but this did not resolve the damage fully.  I again had problems walking down the street and problems with my  internal health and composure throughout the day.  I found this to be particularly burdensome and terrible.  I cannot think of words to describe this situation that would give me dignity due to time constraints.  

I also had blood in my saliva on three occasions and urine on one occasion.  I was again not able to walk down the street without experiencing a negative health event afterwards.  

Monday, June 21, 2021

Leaving My Contaminated Apartment

 I have had 5 additional chemical residue exposures since leaving my contaminated apartment in late March of 2021.  Four of these exposures have been in hotel rooms and one of them was in someone else's "chemical free" home.  

I have had to replace my cell phone repeatedly because it has become contaminated over and over again.  

If this isn't a sin, I don't know what is!

Friday, April 23, 2021


 A slumlord (or slum landlord) is a slang term for a landlord, generally an absentee landlord with more than one property, who attempts to maximize profit by minimizing spending on property maintenance, often in deteriorating neighborhoods, and to tenants that they can intimidate. Severe housing shortages allow slumlords to charge higher rents, and when they can get away with it, to break rental laws.

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Broke My Hip

 I broke my hip on January 31st, 2021.  This was while I was walking down the street I live on one cold night.  The sidewalk had not been properly cleared and was like walking onto an ice skating rink.  This seemed unusually bad.  This area I live in seems to be a land of many hazards and harm.  I do think part of the reason my hip is broken is due to the constant exposure to chemicals I have had since 2015, almost without interruption.  

I was in the hospital for three months and am now further bound tot his contaminated apartment that I live in.  I find that pursuing litigation in matters like this tends to be futile in many situations.  When working class people try to use the legal system they are extremely disadvantaged.  I had had three prepaid legal services within the past 5 years.  Two of them canceled my membership after I got in mild arguments with the attorneys.  Membership with these three organizations did not lead to one successful legal case in five years.  This is in spite of many legal issues I have faced:  

1.  Repeated chemical injury

2.  Constantly under surveillance/condemned to death etc.

3.  In this broken hip case the sidewalk was not properly cleared 

The only lawsuit I ever pursued formally was against the local housing authority. In this legal case the landlord actually turned out to have immunity from any accountability.  At one point in the case the judge remarked that he "tended to agree with the opinions of experts" regarding the damage caused to myself and my property.  The experts all worked for the housing authority.  Does that sound biased to you?  They certainly were not a neutral party.  

Defective Detox Products

Due to being chemically injured I have bought 3 products off of the internet.  All three broke within six months or less of buying them.  Both saunas were $500 and the foot bath was about $150.  Luckily I did have the warranty for these items.  The whole thing is a really big hassle.  It would seem the most basic of things have become difficult or impossible in this society.  

1.  One infrared sauna broke after a couple of months

2.  One foot bath broke after one month

3.  One infrared sauna only broke after only three uses

One definition of oppression is being heavily burdened.  

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Living in contamination Part Eight

 I recently got a letter from my doctor to transfer to another apartment due to the chemical exposure and also mold in my apartment.  I looked at this apartment yesterday and found that it also had a chemical residue exposure in it as well, thus I could not move.  Of the three units I have viewed at this apartment since summer of 2020, all three apartments have had these chemical residue exposures.  

I moved in this one because I did not have anywhere else to go.  This is at an apartment complex where the rent is about $700/month.  Many people living here are doing so with section 8 vouchers.  That is very common on this street in Cincinnati, OH .  I feel that living in low income areas in the USA is very different than other parts of the country.  

Stop Harmful Chemical Exposures

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Living in Contamination Part Seven

 After getting out of the hospital I started doing physical therapy for my broken hip.  I was first given a walker, which was contaminated when I got out of the hospital.  This is very burdensome and damaging every single time this happens.  This causes damage to my body, home and is impossible to clean up.  It creates a situation where I am being poisoned everyday by chemical residue.  

I started doing physical therapy after I got out of the hospital. I  soon moved up from a walker to a cane.  My physical therapist got me a cane from the local thrift store.  I don’t know why it had to be from the thrift store.  The top of this cane was a rubber handle that was contaminated with chemical residue.  This once again added insult to injury and was destructive.  

When a person has Multiple Chemical Sensitivity and chemical injury they need to avoid chemical exposures in order to recover.  It is difficult to fathom how corporations have screwed up the world in this particular way.  This is not a problem people should have to endure over and over again.  This has happened to me fourteen times in the last 5.5 years.  Every single time this happens it creates a horrible situation and is destructive to my health and home.  

The added burden is most people have not ever heard of this problem. People have heard of duct tape residue and for the most part that is it.  I am on two large listservs for people with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity and no one on either of these listservs has heard of this problem before.  I spoke with one person from an organization that assists people with chemical injury.  He told me one other person besides me called him and told him about this same problem.  He said that he told them that this problem did not exist.  That is crazy!  It’s very alienating to have someone tell you that something like this does not exist  These chemical exposures have ruined my health and home..  If one loses their arm, do they say it does not exist!?  

Most of the experts a person goes to when they need assistance have not heard of this problem either.  Counselors, case managers, people in social services and doctors have largely not heard of this problem.  When I addressed this matter with one counselor recently she said it was not affecting me and that we were “all dying.” This person suggested that I use rubbing alcohol, which actually makes me sick. This solution did not work. Every problem does not have to have a resolution. I don't think I was put on earth to scrub away at this one everyday.

Another person accused me of wanting everything to be easy.  That is ridiculous.  I think some of the propaganda that has been going around about me accuses me of wanting everything easy.  I do not think that is accurate.  Some people don’t seem to be able to express any real discontent about this system or societal institutions. 

It’s very burdensome to have to explain to people over and over again something that they have not heard of.  People tend to think that “we already know everything” as a society and don’t tend to believe what I am saying.  This is horrible.  

People need to have some place to recover from chemical injury where they are not being poisoned everyday.  This is an obvious fact.  These chemical exposures are destructive to natural and normal human existence.  Of all the burdens a person can bear, I do not think people should have to be in situations where they are made sick in this way or their property is destroyed.  People who are in denial about chemical residue would change their attitude if something like this happened in their home.  When one is disabled or injured the many burdens of the world should not be shoved in their face!

Thursday, March 11, 2021

Union for Disabled People

 There needs to be a union for disabled people that is run by disabled people in the United States.  Too often the needs of disabled people are ignored.  Many health problems are caused by medical error, chemical exposures and on the job accidents.  It's more likely for a person to be victimized when they are disabled and cannot defend themselves as well.  The many burdens of society should not be heaped unto the underprivileged.  

Since some disabled people cannot work they may be seen as disposable.  


More Negative Propaganda Against Me

This has been the kind of "media" that has been getting made against me since 2014.  There tend to be characters that are based on me in movies, TV shows and in other places.  Luckily I was not born yesterday so I can tell what is going on here.  At worst such characters are the victims of violence.  They are almost always the butt of the joke.

Was this commercial made with taxpayer money?  In the middle of a pandemic?  
How about a commercial about how much damage has been caused to me by chemical exposures since 2014?  I have paid the full rent every month in spite of this.  


Monday, March 8, 2021

Living in Contamination Part Six

Many of the mail boxes in my building do not actually close.  One of those is my mailbox and this resulted in the theft of my mail late last year.  I told the maintenance guy here that someone stole a gift card that my aunt got my for my birthday.  He asked me if I,  "needed food?"  Is this person stupid?   I asked maintenance not to use any chemicals during the repair.  For some reason this was not possible.  

After maintenance came in and examined the mailbox I could tell that he had chemical residue on his hands.  The chemical residue got all over the inside of my mailbox.  As a result this, all of my mail now gets chemical residue on it.  I now have to wear nitrile gloves to get my mail.   It would appear that this person is exposed to chemicals on a regular basis, consciously or unconsciously. This really seems very strange and bad. It is difficult to imagine how the planet could possibly be screwed up in this particular way. How has this happened?

When I was living in a studio apartment in Indianapolis, IN I did not ever have to worry about maintenance exposing me to chemicals. The maintenance man at my apartment was a friend. He was a wiz at auto mechanics and computer repair. He worked on cars regularly, which obviously involves chemicals. He did not use nitrile gloves. Not once did this person ever expose me to chemical residue. Why is this? It seems like people in subsidized housing are doing something wrong here.

In these situations where I am been exposed to chemical residue, I have been almost completely alone. I am on list servs for people with Multiple Chemical Sensitivities. Few people have ever experienced anything like this before consciously. Many of the people seem to live on the west coast where there are more strict laws about chemical exposures. I have yet to find an expert that really understands this situation in any effective way. How the hell would I know what to do in a situation like this? I am an innocent primate. This chemical residue problem has destroyed my home and my health.


Living in Contamination Part Five

This is a horrible story that does not seem to end.  Every time I think I am safe from chemical residue exposures, another one happens.  Organizations and institutions need to take note of this problem and make the necessary changes.  Exposing people to harmful chemicals should be avoided.  People in maintenance and construction, who use these kinds of chemicals, need to become aware of this problem.  This is for their own wellbeing and the wellbeing of others.  The individual should not have to hover over maintenance personnel and make sure they don't expose people to chemicals.  Maintenance people should not expose people to chemicals on their own volition.  When I walk down the street do I need to put up a sign for cars that says "Don't hit me?"

I recently broke my hip.  I fell on some ice on the sidewalk near the building that I live in.  The sidewalk had not be cleared and was unusually icy.  It was like walking onto an ice skating rink out of the blue.  I think part of the reason I broke my hip is because my body has been damaged by chemical exposures for over five years now. 

I was in the hospital for about five days and my leg had not healed.  I then stayed at a nursing home on the west side of town for about 2.5 weeks.  At the end of the stay I was given a walker to use for awhile.  Right before I left one of the people from maintenance thought the walker was the property of the building and cleaned it with some kind of industrial cleaning solution.  I saw this and told him to stop.  He had already made a mess.  The damage was done.  This cleaning solution is another one of theses chemical exposures that is impossible to remove and spreads by touch.  The massive burden and damage caused in situations like this cannot be underestimated.  Who wants to be poisoned everyday?

I told building staff that this was a problem and that I wanted another walker that had not been screwed up.  They had the maintenance guy and his supervisor talk to me.  They said the chemical could be removed with water and soap.  This was not true.  They also lied and said the walker was cleaned with the solution before the guy from maintenance wiped it down.  I don't think this was true either.  There is too much of this attitude that, "Experts know what is best for you."  If that is true then why is my home covered in chemicals?  The experts have really failed on this issue.

The maintenance supervisor then took the walker into the shower and washed it off with soap and water.  This did not remove the chemical residue or make much of a dent in the problem.  I had just gotten out of the hospital and was in quite a bit of pain.  It was very difficult to deal with these two people by myself.  They would not give me another walker and I was stuck with the one that they had contaminated.  I could not leave the site without any walker at all.   

I then went home and this of course got all over my apartment and everything in it.  That is disgusting and horrible.  It is despicable that this keeps happening over and over again.  I would rather someone come into my apartment and take a shit on the floor.  At least I could clean that up.  

All people are sensitive to chemicals on some level.  Only some people have multiple chemical sensitivities.  I think that these kinds of chemical exposures would affect any person.  People do not know everything.  Many people have not heard of this problem.  Simply because people have not heard of something does not mean that it does not exist in the world.  This problem is not new.  I cannot describe how horrible and disgraceful it is to go through things like this.  To be disabled and deeply exhausted and then have maintenance people contaminate my home and property, then run away and leave me with the burden.  This has got to be stopped 100%.  I think if society were not so fast paced there would be fewer problems like this.  People need to have more time to collect themselves and rest.

Throughout history I don't know how many societies have managed to make their citizens sick.  That is a horrible burden to leave any person with.  People with chronic health problems are certainly not going to be some kind of active citizenry.  The people are not the ones causing chemical exposures, the problem is caused by organizations.  Organizations have wealth and resources that could be used to resolve this problem.  People do not have those kinds of resources.  Some people have fulfilling lives, go out on the weekends and have relationships with other people.  Some people are burdened by the many problems of society and do not lead fulfilling lives at all.  

I think every time one of these chemical exposures happens there should be 100% restoration of the damage caused to a person's body and property.  This is a burden that should be handled by organizations and not by individual people.  Individual people should not have to be harmed by the mistakes of government or corporations.  Such organizations must have accountability.  If someone makes a mess, I think they should clean it up.  Suffering is often caused by ignorance.  No one wants to suffer due to the ignorance of other people.  

In situations like this I think the amount of suffering caused by things like this is underestimated, unheard and unrecognized. Nobody ever says, "I want to be repeatedly chemically injured and have it drive me into poverty and destitution.  Then I want to spend much of my life attempting to clean up chemicals that cannot be removed."  I am Ryan's liver.  I do not want to be harmed by chemicals it keeps me from growing as a person.  

Of all the burdens a person could take on for a society I think these chemical exposures are over the line because they make people sick.  I could dig a ditch or do some other kind of work.  I don't think I should have to do this.  I did not cause this problem.  If I were not tied down in this horrible way I could use my energy and resources in a more fulfilling way.  

Saturday, March 6, 2021

Quote of the Day

 You can’t fool all the people all of the time, But if you fool the right ones, the rest will fall behind.

Dead Prez, “Propaganda,” Let’s Get Free, 2000

Thursday, March 4, 2021

Boycott Propaganda

 There was a lot of strange media made about Jewish people in Germany not long ago.  What happened to those people? 

I am calling for a boycott of media which: 

1. Was made based on illegal surveillance of me.  

2.  Advocates violence against me or characters that are based on me.  Isn't  that predatory?  Should people be able to make a living advocating violence against private citizens? 

3.  Is defamatory to me in any way

4.  Celebrates or makes light of my perceived suffering

*This includes books, movies, TV shows and internet media.

I think it's time to move on to another subject after 7 years of garbage.  People have been making big money off of this for years.  I did not authorize anyone to make media about me or my personal life.  Since 2012 I have been struggling to live and make a living.  I honestly have not been able to unhack my computer or cell phone fully.  I did not design these easy to invade devices.  I did not create a society where such devices are a necessity to live a decent life.  I have been living in an environment that makes me sick and thus have not been able to invest in better computer and cellphone security.

Computer hacking, cellphone hacking and webcam hacking are all illegal. Illegally obtained evidence is inadmissible in the United States.

I feel there have been intrusions into my personal space at a time when I was suffering from a variety of circumstances that were outside of my control.  Thus I feel exploited.

There was a time when I enjoyed movies, books, and music.  That ended in 2014 and has not changed since then.  I am not an object to be acted upon.  I am not a character in someone else's book or movie.  There really is not anything superior or virtuous about people who hack into other people's computers or  phones illegally.  Some people can break into other people's cars easily.  Should this be done with impunity?

If people can't make media based on their own imagination they shouldn't be in  business. 


1. making use of a situation to gain unfair advantage for oneself:

2.  the action or fact of treating someone unfairly in order to benefit from their work

Isn't news presented in straightforward English?

How many times have people said the word "even" in the media since May of 2015? 1 billion?

Friday, January 29, 2021

Facts About Me

I have a degree in Organizational Leadership and graduate with honor’s right before this happened

-I do know a lot about natural health.  This was really going somewhere until I was attacked

in 2015 and since October of 2015 I have had to live in places where my apartment is


This has made me very ill.  I have tried to move repeated times and ended up with the

same results in other places.  I do not think this is normal. The thing with fasting and

the liver really goes a long way. I have found that this has a lot of potential if one is

not continuously exposed to chemicals.

- I am only 38 years old and would have a long life ahead of me if I could recover

from being chemically injured and find a non-contaminated place to live. 

- I have been active in political causes that involve: opposing the War in Iraq, Food Not Bombs, Students for Labor and Economic Justice, disability rights, atheism and the men’s rights movement.  I have also been involved in other human rights and civil liberties causes.

A combination of chemical exposures and gangstalking attacks have caused me to have to leave subsidized housing on two separate occasions.  This was in 2015 and in 2019.  I have repeatedly filed complaints with the FBI regarding the hacking of my computer and cellphone.  I have not received any response since 2015. 

If anyone wants to assist me and join Team Extreme you can email me at

I need assistance with: 

1.  Finding suitable housing

2.  An environmental doctor

3.  Legal Aid

4.  An IT specialist to ward off computer and cell phone hackers

5.  Allies

6.  Some kind of chemist would be helpful

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Update on My Situation- Request for Government or International Assistance

 I have been badly chemically injured and do not know if I am going to survive or be able to lead any kind of decent life ever again.  I currently lived in subsidized housing, along with many disabled people  nationwide.  The rent here is 30% of my income and is a good deal.  This gives me some relief, so I can get back on my feet.  The problem here is that many of these places are contaminated by harmful chemical exposures or become contaminated by maintenance.  These strange chemical exposures are not normal and have made things extremely difficult for me.  

For me to move forward what I need is: 

1.  Another subsidized apartment that is not contaminated and is not going to become contaminated.  In most of the apartments I have lived in, I have not had to hover over maintenance to make sure they do not screw up my house.


2.  A regular apartment that costs a maximum of $500-550 a month and is not contaminated.  This has become nearly impossible.  Landlords will not let me live in their building because they want me to make three times the amount of rent per month.  I only get $900 a month from social security.  All of my health problems since 2012 have been caused by medical error or chemical exposures.  

I recently looked at 2 apartments on Ohio Ave. in Cincinnati that were around $500 a month.  I could have lived there.  The problem was that both of these places had these strange chemical exposures as well.  This is not normal and is not something I encountered before October of 2015.  This has become a growing problem.  Thus I could not move in there.   

Something needs to be done by businesses and government to stop these horrible chemical exposures.  This is not something individuals can resolve themselves.  If I had a non-contaminated apartment I could move on with my life.  I would need to buy my own infrared sauna and ionic foot bath.  I could then recover from being chemically injured continuously for five years.  I could get a job and life would move on.  I cannot move on with my life if I am homeless or have to live in a contaminated apartment.  

If another nation wants to take me in as a citizen that would be fine with me.   I feel that an environment has been created here that is hostile for me to live in.  Where do people go when they need to recover from health problems?  We would all be better off if such places were more available.

I think it is terrible that I would be attacked while I am disabled.  I am estranged from my family and I am a low income person.  This makes me more vulnerable to attacks than other people, who are not in a similar situation.  I have paid my rent on time, every month for five years.  This is in spite of being exposed to chemicals everyday for 5 years.  I have paid taxes in the United States all of my adult life and am a citizen here.  I feel that I have made a significant contribution to this society.   I have repeatedly tried to move to new places since 2018 and have ended up in the same situation over and over again due to problems with these chemical exposures.  This needs to be regulated and is a business or government accountability issue.  I have tried addressing this matter here locally and it doesn't seem like there is an avenue for dealing with this sort of thing currently.  I made some progress with trying to remove the chemical exposures with rubbing alcohol.  The problem is that made me sick as well.  

Anyone can email me at

Tuesday, January 26, 2021


 An invasive species is an introduced organism that negatively alters its new environment. Although their spread can have beneficial aspects, invasive species adversely affect the invaded habitats and bioregions, causing ecological, environmental, and/or economic damage

Of, engaging in, or given to armed aggression: an invasive military force


 very strictly organized or controlled:

"the regimented life of a long-term prisoner"


 to make someone believe something by repeatedly telling him or her that it is true and preventing any other information from reaching him or her:

Their government is trying to brainwash them into thinking that war cannot be avoided.
Brainwashing (also known as mind control, menticide, coercive persuasion, thought control, thought reform, and re-education) is the concept that the human mind can be altered or controlled by certain psychological techniques


Draconian is an adjective meaning "of great severity", that derives from Draco, an Athenian law scribe under whom small offenses had heavy punishment

The Draconian laws were most noteworthy for their harshness; they were said to be written in blood, rather than ink. Death was prescribed for almost all criminal offenses.  Modern scholarship tends to be skeptical of the Draconian tradition.

Use the word Draconian (or lowercase draconian) to describe laws or rules that are really harsh and repressive



 apparently kind or helpful but betraying a feeling of superiority; condescending

If someone patronizes you, they speak or behave towards you in a way which seems friendly, but which shows that they think they are superior to you in some way.

Patronizing" someone is to make them feel childish, or to treat them as though they are stupid. I hope this helps you! It is when you treat someone with extra kindness while displaying an attitude of superiority.


Mob Rule

 Mob rule or ochlocracy is the rule of government by a mob or mass of people and the intimidation of legitimate authorities. Insofar as it represents a pejorative for majoritarianism , it is akin to the Latin phrase mobile vulgus , meaning "the fickle crowd ", from which the English term "mob" originally was derived in the 1680s .

Control of a political situation by those outside the conventional or lawful realm, typically involving violence and intimidation

Monday, January 25, 2021

Propaganda Alert

Who in the hell made this stupid commercial?  This guy doesn't look anything like me.  
Here's a new rule:  If you want to make shows about me, you have to put me in the show and you have to pay me.


Sunday, January 24, 2021

Ways to Avoid Harmful Chemical Exposures

Cedarwood spray can be used in place of harmful pesticides to kill bed bugs.  It also kills roaches.  Unlike Diatomaceous earth, this product does make a massive mess in one’s apartment.  As far as I know cedarwood spray does not cause any harm to people. 

Inner city housing often has problems with bed bugs.  I have found that the best way to kill bed bugs is to get cloth mattress covers for one’s mattress.  These do not rip like vinyl mattress covers.  Putting all of one’s clothes and bed sheets in the dryer kills the bed bugs.  It can also be helpful to put tape over electrical sockets that are not in use so that bed bugs do not get in them.  

Dish Soap and peppermint oil can be used to kill spiders.  I used this in my home in Indiana.  I used to get wolf spiders in the fall season.  

In many cases chemical exposures can be avoided by wearing nitrile gloves.  Nitrile gloves can be worn when one is pumping gas or working on one’s car.  

Friday, January 22, 2021

"You will never see an outlaw drive a family from their home."


Monday, January 18, 2021

High Cost of Living in Contamination Part Two

 8.  Laundry: I am having to pay a lot more money for laundry than I normally would.  I have had to wash my clothes and bed sheets over and over again for years to try to remove the chemical residue from them.  This is a vain effort because they always end up getting contaminated again.  I find it particularly degrading when I lie in bed at night and can taste chemicals in my mouth.  Thus I tend to do my laundry more often.  I have probably spent over $100 doing my laundry since last November when I had another chemical residue exposure in my home.  This also makes me more vulnerable to theft because sometimes people steal my laundry.  

9.  Health products:  I do spend more money than most many every month on vitamins, minerals and other health supplements.  I also buy healthier food, which is more expensive.  When one has chemical injury it is helpful to go on an elimination diet.  One cannot tolerate as many foods as most people.  One of the main things in my diet is brown rice noodles, which are expensive.  I cannot recover from the health problems that I have because I live in a contaminated apartment.  Thus I will not recover from the food sensitivities that I have.  I will continue to buy expensive food items every month.  Disabled people with food sensitivities cannot go to food pantries because they are sensitive to the food that is there.  Thus we continue to pay through the nose for food every month.  

My efforts to improve my health are in vain because I live in a contaminated apartment.  

10.  Computer:  My computer was recently broken from having to clean it all the time.  I had to buy another computer.  If I had not been living in a contaminated apartment I would not have had to replace my computer.  

11.  Receipts:  Sometimes items need to be returned.  I find that I cannot save receipts because they end up getting chemical residue on them.  This keeps me from returning some items and costs me more money. I have not been able to keep receipts for these damages that I have had to endure.

12.  Kitchen items:  In my home I have a blender, a cooking pot for my stove, a microwave and a strainer.  I also have a brita water purifier.  I have had to repeatedly replace these items in an effort to avoid consuming chemical residue that spreads throughout my apartment.  I have found that the worst damage to a person occurs when they consume chemical residue in their food.  Chemical residue can get in one's food if it gets on one's kitchenware.  

I had to get rid of all of my plates, bowls, and silverware.  This is because I do not want to get chemical residue on these items.  I have to buy paper bowls, plastic silverware and plastic cups.  This becomes expensive every month.  

13.  Cellphone:  One of the items that tends to get contaminated in the worst way is my cellphone.  I have repeatedly had to replace my cell phone because it gets contaminated with chemical residue.  I find that no matter how much I clean the phone the chemical residue cannot be removed from the phone.  Cleaning the phone ends up breaking it over time and I have to replace the phone.  

14.  Nitrile Gloves:  I have spent a small fortune on nitrile gloves since 2015.  I have to wear nitrile gloves when I am making my food so that I do not get chemical residue in my meals.  I am also having to clean my home everyday and use nitrile gloves for this.  

I am already on disability and thus these expenses are a massive burden.   When I look back and think about all the times I have been screwed over in my life it really makes me feel terrible.  

What is the point of working hard and trying to build a life for oneself if it can all be destroyed like this? 

Open Letter to Environmental Protection Agency

   I strongly feel that there is a problem with the usage of chemicals that leave a residue in the Cincinnati, OH area.  This is particularly a problem in low-income areas and in subsidized housing.  I think subsidized housing would be a good program if some key problems were resolved.  In a factual and non-ideological way I really think there is a problem with these kinds of harmful chemical exposures in this area.  

I have experienced  problems with harmful chemical exposures over and over again and have detailed this on my blog.  I personally have been under surveillance for 7 years now.  I think the fact that these kinds of chemical exposures cause harm to humans is already known by some government officials on some level.

I feel that this problem is something that requires a large organization to resolve.  I do not think individual people or local landlords are able to resolve this problem.  I feel that resolution or progress towards resolving the problem of harmful chemical exposures would relieve a significant burden for many Americans.  These chemical exposures that leave a residue are nearly impossible to clean up.  

I have described this problem here: 

Read Em' and Weep!: Chemical Residue (

Read Em' and Weep!: Living in Contamination Part One (

Read Em' and Weep!: Living in Contamination Part Two (

Read Em' and Weep!: Living in Contamination Part Three (

Read Em' and Weep!: Living in Contamination Part Four (

Read Em' and Weep!: Living in Contamination Summary (


Ryan Mishler

Sunday, January 17, 2021

Problems with Arawak City Anarchists Part Two

One of the three people that lived there was fresh out of high school.  He became an alcoholic while he lived there and was a terror to live with. He had been on the wrestling team and was some kind of high school bully.  I did not feel safe living with him and tried to get him out of my life.  This was to no avail.  This person was regularly having his friends over to get drunk in the living room.  I felt that this was very disruptive.  He also felt that me and the other person who lived there were more privileged than he was.  Maybe he felt that we owed him.  It is worth saying that the alcoholic had a car and we did not. It seems like these toxic people are like parasites that cannot be pried away from a person with a crowbar. They attach themselves to people based on petty grievances and do not ever fucking go away. I wonder how many people have endured harm due to situations like this. My dad used to say "You can't shoot em."

How were we privileged?  Often these concepts of who is privileged and who is not don't really make any sense.  For example, people felt that I was a privileged white man in 2013.  During this time I was badly disabled and living on the floor in someone else's living room.  Where was my privilege?

Tension between myself and the alcoholic escalated in 2007.  People are not taught how to handle living with people like this.  I found him to be uniquely aggressive and hostile.  Eventually myself and the other roommate ended up moving back to Cincinnati, OH where our families lived. This was before the lease ended.

I got a bill from a collection agency in 2008 for over $7,000 for damages to this house.  I had never gotten a bill from collection agencies before and this was quite shocking.  I was  in my mid-twenties at the time.  Apparently the alcoholic and his drinking buddies destroyed the home after me and my roommate left.  In these kinds of situations the collection agency typically trumps up the charges.  I am not sure what the cost of the actual damages was.

In 2009 I ended up paying $2,300 back to this landlord because people from this group destroyed the house after I moved out.  There were three people on the lease.  Two people had to pay $2,300 and one of the people got away with it. Guess which one got away with it?  He did not have to pay because he had a lawyer in the family.  He may have had more liquid courage due to his alcoholism.   He was the one who caused the damage.  $2,300 really goes a long way in the world.  Sometimes when I am out of money I think back to this event. I wonder what I could have done with this $2,300. 

It is worth noting that in many cases people really do not have to pay debts to collection agencies.  I think this was one of those situations.  Collections agencies send people letters and call people on the phone.  They basically hunt people.  These type of conflicts could be settled through some kind of sensible court or mediation process. Instead debts are resolved through intimidation. People really need to figure out better ways to resolve differences and conflict.

The alcoholic would later get angry at me in 2013 and take a picture of himself with the American flag and a rifle to threaten me. This image went viral. How is this person a model American citizen? Why he used the American flag I do not know. I did not ever perceive him to be patriotic in any way. I found this person to be a massive burden on my life.

The Arawak City Anarchists were like the Symbionese Liberation Army and I was like a male version of Patty Hearst!

Problems with Arawak City Anarchists

 In my early 20s I became affiliated with a group from Columbus, OH called Arawak City Anarchists.  The name Arawak refers to a Native American tribe that existed in the area before it was called Columbus, OH.  There were not any Native Americans in the group.  I had some fun times and community with this group from 2004-2007.  In my later years I feel that this group was a cult in many ways.  I got associated with them while opposing the War in Iraq.  I also started having symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome in 2004.  I got involved with anarchist groups because they seemed to have unique ways of living a frugal lifestyle.  

I feel that they were possessive and controlling of me.  They tried to separate me from my other friends.  Two people from this group were bothering my sister in 2007 and telling her that I was more or less suicidal.  This was not really true.  She was devastated.  It is true that three people from this group committed suicide between 2006-2010.  One person committed suicide after a violent incident that involved another person in the group.  There were other incidents in the group of violence, alcoholism, substance abuse, and harassment.

In 2006 I moved in with 2 other people from Arawak City. It was a fun time for a little while. The other two roommates were always letting other people stay in the home for free. They felt that this was "communal housing." I felt that it really was "us getting screwed over housing" because we were not wealthy people. Why should we be housing people for free? Some of the people there did not show us any respect. They stole from us and destroyed the home. There was one confrontational meeting that occurred in the spring of 2007. About 6-8 people, who did not live there or pay rent, were in my living room one day. One in particular had lived on the couch in the living room. The bums confronted the three people that actually lived there about our alleged unethical behavior. Can you imagine the nerve of anyone, who would confront other people in a home where they did not pay any rent? Can you imagine the nerve of people who would invade someone else's personal space? This comes up over and over again with these people. They have no regard for people's personal boundaries and don't care how much harm or damage they cause people.

A bunch of frivolous grievances were brought up that really did not amount to anything. We did not harm anyone or cause people damages. I was the oldest person in the group of three and had been involved with the group the longest. I felt like a lot of the criticism was directed at me personally on some level. I had opened my home to these people and this is how I was repaid. They could have simply left if they did not like what we were doing. It's not like we were a social services agency that had any obligation to to do things for anyone else. This was our home after all. This was one example of the many times my personal boundaries were violated by this group of people. They treated us like objects that needed to be punished and not like human beings.

It was later said that our group of three were "sexist." I was labeled a "manarchist." This term refers to a sexist male anarchist. No significant event or incident was brought up. This would lay the basis for a conflict that would happen later. There was no real evidence of any sexism that occurred in the group. All three of us were men. Some women lived in the living room or in an empty room without paying rent. The meeting was very confrontational and I felt threatened by having all of those people in my home. It seemed like they had planned out beforehand to all come in my home and confront us about our "evil deeds." There was only one woman present at this meeting and she barely said anything!

A Word About Collection Agencies

Most people are not prepared for what to do when they are contacted by a collection agency. Collection agencies make all sorts of bizarre claims about how they have obtained permission from a court to take money out of people's bank accounts or garnish their wages. This is not really true most of the time. They send people letters threatening to add on late fees and other penalties for not caving to their demands. Collection agencies and gangstalking are two bizarre forms of punishment and hostility that occur outside of the legal system. It really does not make sense to charge people more money for not being able to pay their bills. I think a lot of people feel threatened and that they must pay ASAP before their credit score and finances are destroyed. This is not really the case in most situations. I have heard of people committing suicide when they are pursued by collection agencies.

I can think of some situations where creditors need to be represented.  I think collection agencies do not create justice in the world.  If anyone is having difficulty dealing with collection agencies feel free to e-mail me at

High Cost of Living in Contamination

 In 2015 before I was first harmed by chemical exposures I did not have much debt.  I lived a frugal lifestyle.  My only debts were for student loans and also medical bills.  It was odd that I had medical debt given that my health problems were caused by medical error.  Ever since 2015 I have been driven into bankruptcy and extreme poverty.

I have had to pay through the nose for: 

1.  Cleaning supplies:  I am having to clean my home everyday in a vain attempt to reduce the chemical residue in my home.  This requires me to buy paper towels, hydrogen peroxide, rubbing alcohol (this has made me sick).  This also wastes a lot of my time.  I could write a whole separate post about how much time and energy is wasted by having to live in this kind of environment.  

2.  Living in this contaminated environment has caused me to have to purchase a home infrared sauna, which was $560.  I only get about $900 a month from social security for my disability.  This disability is not getting better because I am living in a contaminated apartment.  

3.  The chemical exposures I experienced in 2014 required me to put most of the items in my home in zip lock bags.  I also bought three hepa air filters for my apartment to try to remove the desiccants from the air.  The biggest problem was the desiccant dust got all over my home and was impossible to remove from my personal property.  

4.  Damages to my home:  Before all of this happened I had a nice home to live in.  I had lived in Erlanger, KY for 4 years.  My entire home was basically destroyed gradually by all of these chemical exposures.  I had many books, CDs, movies, 2 Ipods, those are all gone.  I had memorabilia of family and friends this is all gone.  I kept a lot of binders, notebooks and file boxes with notebook paper in them.  This is all gone.  Almost every single possession that I had from before 2013 I have lost.  The only items that I still have are computer back-up disks, whatever is saved in my e-mail and clothing.

5.  I cannot keep notebook paper in my home.  I really cannot make a journal or keep notes on anything.  Any use of paper has to be kept to a minimum.  Thus if I want to make note of something I have to put it in my computer.  My computer is under heavy surveillance.  This is degrading.  People have open access to basically everything I know.  

6.  Subsidized housing is a government funded program.  Thus government agencies pay part of the rent for people to live in these apartments.  I don't think it benefits government or anyone for people to be living in contamination.  

7.  I have had to stay at extended stay hotels many times since 2014.  I stayed at an extended stay hotel in Florence, KY for about 3 months in 2014.  This place was about $900 a month.  During this time I also had to pay $225 for subsidized housing.  Thus I was paying $1,125 a month.  The reason I had to pay rent to subsidized housing was so I could transfer to another apartment.  

I had to pay $1,125 a month for three months due to an accident that was caused by my landlord.  Does this make sense?  Do these people have self-discipline or restraint?  When someone else makes a mess, why do I have to clean it up?  

I moved into another subsidized apartment in late 2014.  I only lived there about 6 months.  I stayed in an extended stay hotel for a week in mid-2015 during the move.  This was between $200-300 for a week.  I was then evicted from shared housing near the end of May in 2015.  

I moved to Indianapolis and stayed in another extended stay hotel for a week.  This cost me between $200-300 once again.  Between 2014-2015 I stayed at extended stay hotels in 3 different locations that were owned by the same organization.  When I moved back to Cincinnati, OH in 2019 I noticed that his organization had changed their name.  I am not sure why this is.  

Recently I stayed at an extended stay hotel in Cincinnati.  This was so I could get out of my contaminated apartment for a brief time.  I wanted to see how I would feel.  I did feel quite a bit better.  I feel that I am somewhat paralyzed on a daily basis by living in a contaminated environment.  I did have to take the bus back to my contaminated apartment several times.  This was so I could use my home infrared sauna.  The chemical injuries I have endured have caused me to need almost daily sauna visits for up to two hours.  I've been bound to the bloody sauna!

Saturday, January 16, 2021

Chemical Injury References

 References about Chemical Injury:

1.  MCS_-_Scientific_Medical_Evidence.pdf (

2.  MCS_-_Scientific_Medical_Evidence.pdf (

3.  Chemical Injury Information Network (

4.  Environmental Health Network: EHN


The Cost of Living is Too High

 This keeps becoming an issue over and over again.  I think in particular excessively high rent makes it too difficult to simply live in the world today.  This causes undue hardship and unnecessary suffering.  

There is also a lack of public transportation.  When everyone has to own a car that creates traffic jams and environmental pollution. 

Witch Hunt Defined

  In current language, "witch-hunt" metaphorically means an investigation that is usually conducted with much publicity, supposedly to uncover subversive activity, disloyalty, and so on, but with the real purpose of intimidating political opponents

is a search for people who have been labelled witches or a search for evidence of witchcraft, and it often involves a moral panic[1] or mass hysteria.

Kangaroo Court

  A kangaroo court is an unauthorized, unofficial court, the sole purpose of which is to provide the image of a fair legal process. In actuality, the fate of the accused is actually decided in advance, with no considersation being made as to the fairness of the situation. Kangaroo courts are typically associated with groups that practice their own brand of justice, which is outside of the formal judicial process. To explore this concept, consider the following kangaroo court definition.

  1. A bogus court, the intention of which is to provide the illusion of a fair justice system where none exists.

  2. A mob, or self-appointed, tribunal that mocks society’s principals of law or human rights.

  • The right to be assumed innocent until proven guilty

  • The right to be involved in, and to control, one’s own defense

  • The right to hear a full and detailed statement of the charges filed against the accused

  • The right to omit evidence that is irrelevant or inadmissible

  • The right to cross-examine or summon witnesses

  • The right not to incriminate oneself

  • The right to be provided enough time and resources to prepare a proper defense to one’s charges

  • The right to introduce evidence that supports the acquittal of the accused

  • The right to appeal a conviction

  • The right to have a stenographic record created of any trial proceedings