Sunday, November 29, 2020

Living in Contamination Part One

I have lived in contaminated homes almost everyday for 6.25 years.  

  1.  In August of 2014 there was an accident in my apartment that was caused by Cincinnati Metropolitan Housing Authority.  This caused $15,000 in damage to my personal property and exposed me to chemicals I was allergic to. I did not receive one dollar in compensation from CMHA or any assistance resolving the matter.  This was like torture because I have Multiple Chemical Sensitivities. Diatomaceous earth is a desiccant and when one has chronic stomach pain, breathing in desiccants inflames one’s stomach.  This was more painful than anything I have ever experienced in my life. 

  1. The boarding house I moved into in June 2015 was already contaminated with desiccants before I moved in.  This was due to there being dry wall dust all over the apartment.  When the air conditioning would turn on it would blow desiccants all over the house.  This was again like torture everyday without interruption. The landlord refused to work with me on this issue. I ended up having to move out of this apartment after one month.  My security deposit of $100 was kept by the landlord. 

  1. I moved to another boarding house in July of 2015.  After a few months a homeless crackhead moved in that was working as a landscaper.  He got adhesive residue all over the sink faucet in mid-October.  I had not ever heard of this before.  This caused all four people living there to be chemically injured, including the crackhead.  The residue spread all over the kitchen and would get in one’s food when one would wash their dishes.  This was not directly caused by gangstalking contrary to “media.”  

  1. In September of 2017 my car was struck by another car while I was driving, which caused me whiplash.  I bought a new car soon afterwards.  A few days after buying the car I realized there was chemical residue on the steering wheel and dashboard.  This was subtle and I did not notice it during the test drive.  This was again impossible to clean up and became a permanent burden.  The dealer who sold me the car refused to return the vehicle.  I got a lawyer and like many injustices I have had to go through since 2012, there wasn’t anything they proposed doing about this situation.  The residue from the car spread by touch and got all over my apartment. I paid nearly $4,000 for a contaminated car that made me sick. 

  • Once these strange chemical exposures get into a person’s home it creates a situation where the person is constantly being poisoned and exposed to chemicals that are harmful.  It gets all over everything and is extremely difficult to clean up.
  • In every one of these chemical exposures the company causing the exposure  has never accepted any accountability for exposing me to chemicals.  I have not received any compensation in spite of the fact that this has caused me severe and significant bodily harm and property damage.  I have contacted the EPA and local health department about this matter and they have not done anything. 

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