Thursday, October 20, 2016

Discrimination Against Men in the Justice System

Ideally men and women should receive the same sentence for the same crime.  In today’s world that is not the case.  A recent study by Sonja Starr, an assistant professor at the University of Michigan found that men receive sentences that are 63% higher than their female counterparts. 

The gender gap in sentencing is 6x higher than the racial gap between white people and people of color.  Furthermore women are 2x as likely to avoid incarceration after a conviction.  This is clearly an area where science and reason are absent from the institutions that govern us.   In many states we spend twice as much on each woman in prison as we do on each man.  To achieve real gender equality discrimination against men and women must be identified and remedied.  Neither gender should have to do more time in prison because of their biological sex.  

What is the resolution to this problem?

Certainly non-violent drug offenders and wrongfully convicted people should not have to do prison time.  Defendants often do not have enough resources to defend themselves properly.  Efforts should be made to make our legal system more equitable. 

Since 1973 the prison system has grown by more than 2 million people.  Why does the Land of the Free have more people in prison than any other nation?

For more information regarding this issue you can check out these articles from the University of Michigan and the Huffington Post:

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