Friday, June 25, 2021

Manipulation Attacks

 I was subject to a manipulation attack that I believe was caused by gangstalking in late December of this year.  I was badly incapacitated after living in chemical residue for so many years.  The person got me to use bleach on my floor when cleaning the place.  This was instead of using rubbing alcohol, which I typically use.  I do not know how much more damaging using bleach was than using rubbing alcohol.  I had to clean the floor with heavier chemicals due to the floor having chemical residue on it.  

I think this person was baiting me to have a conversation with them by offering information about ways to find chemical free housing to get me to call them.  

I was in such a bad situation living in chemical residue that I called this person more often than I would have.  

Broken Hip Surgery

 After my recent broken hip surgery I found that I was again pharmaceutically injured.  I was given anesthetic, blood thinner injection, morphine, and oxycontin.  I went to the sauna quite a bit after the surgery but this did not resolve the damage fully.  I again had problems walking down the street and problems with my  internal health and composure throughout the day.  I found this to be particularly burdensome and terrible.  I cannot think of words to describe this situation that would give me dignity due to time constraints.  

I also had blood in my saliva on three occasions and urine on one occasion.  I was again not able to walk down the street without experiencing a negative health event afterwards.  

Monday, June 21, 2021

Leaving My Contaminated Apartment

 I have had 5 additional chemical residue exposures since leaving my contaminated apartment in late March of 2021.  Four of these exposures have been in hotel rooms and one of them was in someone else's "chemical free" home.  

I have had to replace my cell phone repeatedly because it has become contaminated over and over again.  

If this isn't a sin, I don't know what is!

Friday, April 23, 2021


 A slumlord (or slum landlord) is a slang term for a landlord, generally an absentee landlord with more than one property, who attempts to maximize profit by minimizing spending on property maintenance, often in deteriorating neighborhoods, and to tenants that they can intimidate. Severe housing shortages allow slumlords to charge higher rents, and when they can get away with it, to break rental laws.

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Broke My Hip

 I broke my hip on January 31st, 2021.  This was while I was walking down the street I live on one cold night.  The sidewalk had not been properly cleared and was like walking onto an ice skating rink.  This seemed unusually bad.  This area I live in seems to be a land of many hazards and harm.  I do think part of the reason my hip is broken is due to the constant exposure to chemicals I have had since 2015, almost without interruption.  

I was in the hospital for three months and am now further bound tot his contaminated apartment that I live in.  I find that pursuing litigation in matters like this tends to be futile in many situations.  When working class people try to use the legal system they are extremely disadvantaged.  I had had three prepaid legal services within the past 5 years.  Two of them canceled my membership after I got in mild arguments with the attorneys.  Membership with these three organizations did not lead to one successful legal case in five years.  This is in spite of many legal issues I have faced:  

1.  Repeated chemical injury

2.  Constantly under surveillance/condemned to death etc.

3.  In this broken hip case the sidewalk was not properly cleared 

The only lawsuit I ever pursued formally was against the local housing authority. In this legal case the landlord actually turned out to have immunity from any accountability.  At one point in the case the judge remarked that he "tended to agree with the opinions of experts" regarding the damage caused to myself and my property.  The experts all worked for the housing authority.  Does that sound biased to you?  They certainly were not a neutral party.  

Defective Detox Products

Due to being chemically injured I have bought 3 products off of the internet.  All three broke within six months or less of buying them.  Both saunas were $500 and the foot bath was about $150.  Luckily I did have the warranty for these items.  The whole thing is a really big hassle.  It would seem the most basic of things have become difficult or impossible in this society.  

1.  One infrared sauna broke after a couple of months

2.  One foot bath broke after one month

3.  One infrared sauna only broke after only three uses

One definition of oppression is being heavily burdened.  

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Living in contamination Part Eight

 I recently got a letter from my doctor to transfer to another apartment due to the chemical exposure and also mold in my apartment.  I looked at this apartment yesterday and found that it also had a chemical residue exposure in it as well, thus I could not move.  Of the three units I have viewed at this apartment since summer of 2020, all three apartments have had these chemical residue exposures.  

I moved in this one because I did not have anywhere else to go.  This is at an apartment complex where the rent is about $700/month.  Many people living here are doing so with section 8 vouchers.  That is very common on this street in Cincinnati, OH .  I feel that living in low income areas in the USA is very different than other parts of the country.  

Stop Harmful Chemical Exposures