Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Mass Shooting Statistics

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Mass shootings seem to be on the rise.  I have a question for everyone.  When has there ever been a time when a civilian saved another civilian's life with an assault rifle?  If this has ever happened could the assault rifle have been substituted with a 9mm or a shotgun?  I think more restrictions on assault rifles are necessary.  

Monday, September 17, 2018

Earth's Overpopulation Problem

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Sensible Ways to Reduce the Population

1.  Educate people about birth control and encourage them to use it
2.  Raise awareness about the benefits of not having children.  For example, not having children can save one a great deal of time and money
3.  Make abortion easily available in every state of the USA
4.  Make euthanasia available to those with terminal illnesses when other options have been exhausted

Voluntary population control is better than forced population control or not addressing the issue at all.

6 Books to Read

1. Our Daily Meds by Meldoy Petersen

2. The Satanic Bible by Anton Lavey

3. The Krishnamurtri Reader by J. Krishnamurtri

4. Satan Wants You by Arthur Lyons

5. Natural Health, Natural Medicine by Andrew Weil

6. Lords of the Left Hand Path by Stephen Flowers

"There is altogether too much of the snake and fox in modern man, too little of the eagle and the lion."
      - Ragnar Redbeard (Arthur Desmond)

No Mass Incarceration

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Mark Twain Says

"There are times when one would like to hang the whole human race, and finish the farce."
- Mark Twain

Friday, September 14, 2018

This is a good program about the ineffectiveness of 12-Step Groups.

Sunday, September 2, 2018

Vader was a Badass

Vader was one of wrestling's best villians.

Mr. Marbles?

I have found the candidate I would like to vote for in the 2020 presidential election.

Cost of Healthcare

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America Needs a National Healthcare System

I think the United States should have a single payer healthcare system just like they do in Canada and Europe.  Republicans recent push to repeal the healthcare bill is ignorant and reactionary.    I do not think there is any room for negotiation here.   

Intelligent leadership should be able to make the connection between access to healthcare and worker productivity.  Naturally healthier workers are more productive.  Furthermore healthier soldiers, police officers and first responders make for a safer country.  Healthier teachers make for better educated students.  I think the United States would be a more powerful and stable nation if we had a single payer healthcare system.  Without adequate healthcare we could fall into confusion, despair and decline.  Some of this has already occurred.   

I think that equal access to healthcare is an essential part of any meritocracy.  Lack of access to healthcare is partially responsible for the decline of the middle class.  The number one cause of personal bankruptcy is medical bills.  Debt is slavery.  People without access to healthcare are more likely to self medicate and become drug addicts or alcoholics.  If the government wants to spend less money they should cut weapons spending and end the war on drugs.  They could also tax the rich more.  It seems that some rich people do not pay any taxes. 

Finally the government should fund healthcare simply because people need healthcare.  For the benefit of humanity people should be able to get affordable and efficient healthcare.  I think that when governments invest in their people they get successful results.  I recently read a book called You Can’t Afford to Get Sick by Dr. Andrew Weil.  In the book Weil suggests many cost effective methods for improving the healthcare system.  Perhaps he should have greater influence over public policy on healthcare.  The Affordable Care Act was a positive step towards a more functional healthcare system. 

Excessive Cost of College Tuition

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There is nothing worse than the dogmatic, narrow-minded view of the Jedi.