Monday, December 26, 2011

Ben Franklin says

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty or safety." -- Benjamin Franklin, 1759

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Weapons Spending Needs to be Reduced

Taxes would be lower for everyone if weapons spending were cut. Our government spends far more than it needs to on bombs and weapons technology. Neither the Democrats nor the Republicans represent the people on this issue.  This benefits companies like Halliburton.  Reducing weapons spending would not affect soldier's pay.

Occupy the Health Insurance Companies

The Democrats have not done enough to represent the 99%'s health care rights. Charging too much for healthcare interferes with personal liberty, just like unnecessary taxation.

* Health insurance should be held by the individual, not by his or her employer. Currently individual insurance does not offer effective coverage.

* Health insurance should fully cover drug-free treatments like chiropractics, physical therapy and massage.

* Health insurance companies should not be allowed to exclude ANY person due to pre-existing conditions